Cube Moulds-Plastic (Size : 150*150*150mm)

Concrete Cube Moulds -Plastic (Controls Make)

Compression Testing Machine (Pillar Model) Digital & Dial Gauge.

Load Cell S-Type with Indicator upto 50kN (Compression and Tension Mode)


Compression Testing Machine-Analog Type (Capacity: 2000kN, Resolution: 1kN)

Hydraulic Pipe

Flow Table For Concrete

Cube Mould (100mm)

Rain Gauge


Wheel Barrow with Single wheel-100kg to 150kg.

Scoop-1kg ( Heavy Duty)

Compression Testing Machine (Power Pack Model, Capacity: 2000kN, Resolution: 1kN)

Compression Testing Machine (Pillar Model, Capacity: 2000kN, Resolution: 1kN)

Compression Testing Machine , (Power Pack Model, Capacity: 3000kN, Resolution: 1kN)

Database Error

A Database Error Occurred

Error Number: 1114

The table 'ci_sessions' is full

INSERT INTO `ci_sessions` (`id`, `ip_address`, `timestamp`, `data`) VALUES ('0b5cc893d8808a03ceee2b61edf260ae0e18a489', '', 1737055194, '__ci_last_regenerate|i:1737055194;')

Filename: libraries/Session/drivers/Session_database_driver.php

Line Number: 236