Calibration Charge of Infrared Thermometer

WIRE CLAW (Big Panja for Railway Ballast Spreading Works.)

CTM Machine Piston Cylinder Suitable for 2000kN Frame.

500kN Piston Cylinder for CTM Machine.

pH-Indicator Paper pH 1 - 14 Universal Indicator, Roll Length : 4.8m.

LED Color Display Board, Size: 3 (H) * 4 (W) feet.

PVC Cube Curing Tank, Size: L :- 2500 mm W :- 1000 mm H :- 800 mm.

TK21T Prism Set.

Gowin Battery BTL1, 7.2V

Total Station(Gowin) Battery Charger BC-L1

Coating Thickness Meter With Probe, Mextech CM-801E (F/NF)

Controller Switch for Control Panel.

Nozzle Repair & Servicing

CRI Pumps Stainless Steel 1.5 Hp.

Labour Charge & Hydra Unloading Charge
