Digital Earth Resistance Tester 3 Terminal, Model- KM 1520

Accelerated Curing Tank (9 Moulds For boiling water method).

LED Color Display Board, Size: 2 (H) *2.5 (W) feet.

Visit Charge

Core Cutting Job (Core Cutting Dia: 4" , Depth : 18")

Anti-Smog Gun Semi Auto swing, - Range- 40 to 50 Mtr,

Anti-Smog Gun Auto swing, - Range- 20 to 30 Mtr,

Display Monitor for Air Pollutions.


Stainless Steel Crucible Tongs (8")

Mortar Flow Cone


Stainless Steel Crucible Tongs (16")

Throw Range- Capacity 40-45 Mtr- Manual

Air Quality Monitoring System (Wi-Fi Based Online PM 2.5 and PM10 with Temperature & Humidity)

Anti-Smog Gun Manual - Range- 40 to 50 Mtr,

Database Error

A Database Error Occurred

Error Number: 1114

The table 'ci_sessions' is full

INSERT INTO `ci_sessions` (`id`, `ip_address`, `timestamp`, `data`) VALUES ('106d7d2bd114054e0bdadbbc8bcfa7edd87ac1f6', '', 1737065902, '__ci_last_regenerate|i:1737065902;')

Filename: libraries/Session/drivers/Session_database_driver.php

Line Number: 236